Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bear with me

As you can see, I'm playing around with the format of this blog a bit. I have been following lou's brother's blog - http://www.georgeandsam.com/ - and wanted this to be as pretty as theirs. A homepage where you see pictures first and words second. I mean, at some point in the very near future we are going to get our act together and start taking photos of Babycakes from a proper camera and not my iphone. Which means we'll have lots of lovely images to share. (Looking at them will be far more fun than my run on sentences.)

Anyways, I haven't worked out the kinks yet - clearly - so pleae bear with me while I do.

In exchange, I'll show you some more cute pictures of Chubby cheeks - from before and after she earned the nickname.

sidenote: How CRAZY is it that a baby's looks change SO much in such a short time?? If I didn't know any better, I'd think the first two photos (from when she was exactly 1 week old) to the last two (taken when she was just over 2 months old) were of different kids.

Babies. Such strange, strange creatures.

I know I look different, but I'm still me, mommy! I swear!

Hehe. I'm still me. Just with 90% more cheek.


The Feyen Family said...

I love how much hair Aria has! Hope you guys settle into a routine soon! Can't help but smile at the pictures of Aria, too cute!

Samantha Meyer said...

Thanks for the shout out! Love the blog look and the pictures!!! :)