So let's move on to the truly fun news! The best part of the week was learning that all signs point to you being a healthy baby! You are right on point for size of head, tummy and legs. You have a very low risk of chromosomal disorders and you seem to have ten fingers and toes. This is fantastic. We are quite proud of you! Keep up the good work! Grow Grow Gadget Baby! (your dad and I might have been quoting Inspector Gadget this week... feel free to make fun of us in a few years, we can take it...)
Which. Wow. I don't know why but I was convinced you were going to be a little boy. I hadn't gone so far as to start calling you "Lil Louie" or "Lil L" - didn't want to confuse you if I was wrong - but... all the same I just KNEW there was no chance of you being a girl. So much for mother's intuition.
After I processed what the doc said, a million random things popped into my head...
First came the standard little girl thoughts. I had images of adorable little polka dot dresses and pigtails. Wearing the pristine little outfits that your cousin Jordan grew out of too quickly too wear.
Did you know that Polo makes BABY GIRL dresses? I sure hope you like this style becaues you'll be wearing it. A lot. |
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Spencer genes should help you here. |
... and hurt you here. You'll need a lot of Keppler in you for this to be possible. |
And then I thought about you getting much older. And things started getting ridiculous. I had a few panicked moments where all I could think about was a 16 year old you screaming that you hate me and how I just don't understand and that I'm the meanest person in the whole world for not letting you go to the movies or buy the trendiest - yet totally inappropriate for a young lady- outfit. I worried that you would be an awkward teenager with no friends. OR WORSE. That you'd be confident, social AND popular.... agh! BUT. Then I remembered that those days are still at least a decade away so there's no sense in worrying about it quite yet. Let's get you out of diapers before I worry about the length of your skirt and whether or not you have a date on Friday.
Hmm... seems like you are finally settled. Perhaps my crazy, nonsensical tangents relax you? This could be an excllent thing.
Anyways. I think I'll take this opportunity to grab some shut eye as well.
See you in 21 weeks or so.
Night :)