Now that we are past much of the first trimester craziness and my moods have (mostly) leveled out, all anyone asks about is THE BUMP. Do I have one? Are there pictures? Is it big? Do your pants fit? Are there pictures? Does it get bigger every day?
Are there pictures?
Sadly, up until this point, we haven't taken any pictures. Well, that's a lie. I did take a few around week 12 or so but there was nothing to see. I just looked like I needed to do a few hundred sit-ups pronto. And cut back on the carbs. So I deleted those.
But now, at 20 weeks, there's a definite bump. It's HUGE. Monstrous.
It's so big I've had to hang up my work pants. Don't have a prayer of wearing them until I pick up the belly band and button extenders offered to me by a friend.
As this sudden growth coincides with the all-important 20th week of pregnancy (per the baby books and baby sites, that means we are just about halfway there. 20 weeks down! 20 to go!), I took a picture. And didn't delete it immediately.
Hoewever. Before looking at it, you should know a few things about the super weird process of taking "belly pictures":
1. You stand sideways against a neutral backdrop that will emphasize your stomach and turn to face the camera. This all feels very awkward.
2. You have to forget, no, actively work against everything you've learned about picture taking since college. Instead of sucking your tummy in, you have to let it just sit. You can't turn 3/4 towards the camera. There is no adjustment of the hip to minimize the size of your waist. Basically, you have to TRY to look fat. This also feels very awkward.
3. Then. You take a picture with your shirt down and your husbandsays "Yeah.. that looks dumb. You can't see anything." So you pull your shirt up. Like some teeny bopper trying to be provocative. This feels the most awkward of all.
So. Do you want to see the most awkwardest picture ever? Do you? Here you go. A very pale (yay Belgian summers!) me with a 20 week old bump:
See what I mean about the size? It's so big you'd almost think there were twins in there.
BABY!! sorry that's all the eloquence I've got. I can't WAIT!!!
also in case you were wondering
I anxiously scrolled down since it sounded like might have grown a lot since I saw you 2 weeks ago! Ummmmmm. I will keep checking for updates :)
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