Wednesday, July 06, 2011

This totally makes up for it, don't ya think?


If the combination of numbers and letters above my last post are to be trusted, it appears I have been gone for nearly 3 months. Wowzers. While the excuses are many (12 at last count) and several are standards (lots of travel + work) the final excuse totally makes up for my absence. I promise.

You see. I've been under the weather for the last, oh, 11 weeks or so.

It started on May 13th. Friday, May13th. Despite the ominous date, it was a gorgeous day and I was all walking happily to the grocery store thinking, "You know, Belgium doesn't suck when it's sunny and warm," when my stomach suddenly started doing backflips. I chalked it up to an odd lunch and continued on my merry way. Lou was in England until Monday for a Pink Floyd concert so I was determined to stock up on all the foods I love (but Lou can only handle in small doses: pasta, pesto, parmesan cheese and perhaps a little more pasta).

After another stomach flip in the meat section and then again near the produce, I found myself walking down the ladies hygiene aisle and realized that I hadn't had to frequent this area in... um... 5 weeks? 6 maybe? I started running numbers in my head and then bee-lined for the section full of those other sorts of ladies products.

Sandwiched between shampoos and first aid supply was a narrow column of a variety of things you wouldn't want your grandmother to see you buying. So. Obviously. I was surrounded by grandmothers. And fathers. And little kids. Because all of Leuven was shopping at this time. In this store. Right next to me. And as I stood there, trying to figure out which box could possibly the test taking sort of box, I felt like there were a 100 knowing glances directed at me. Kowning and yet completely unhelpful as there were no cutesy pictures on the boxes or any other helpful clues. Finally, after racking my brain for the proper translation and pushing boxes aside, I finally found - hidden behind a box of products aimed at preventing the need for these types of excursions - a ZWANGERSCHAPTEST!!

Yeah. ZWANGERSCHAPTEST. Not an obvious translation. Fortunately, this one was made by Clearblue so I knew I had the right kind of product.

Anyways, I rushed to the checkout, made my purchase as inconspicuously as possible and fast walked the two blocks home.

And... tick tock, tick tock... wouldn't you know? Those stomach turns? Totally not lunch-related. Not even a little.

They were caused by a little baby who had taken up residence about 6 weeks previously.

Little Keppler has hung in there for about 13.5 weeks and we (I broke the news practically the minute he walked in the door from London) could not be more excited. And thrilled. And all those other positive adjectives.

More news to follow, I'm sure.

now. wasn't that a good excuse?? I certainly think so.

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