Friday, March 30, 2012

A post only a grandmother would love...

I don't know what it is about grandmothers, but, when it comes to their little grandbabies, even the most mundane things become cause for celebration. Or at least a proud smile.

Grandbaby has a dirty diaper? "WOW! Look at that! She did such a good job with this one!"

Grandbaby lays on the ground and does absolutely nothing? "Look at her. She is SO advanced for her age. Must be my genes coming through..."

The following video is in that vein... For some reason I can't email it to my mom - the only person in the world who will find it interesting - so I'm posting it here. Please do not feel obligated to click 'play' as even I (the mother) find it dull:

Note: All the poking and prodding and pinching is me trying to get her to smile and capture her in all her cute, stretchy morning glory. Instead, she just sort of squirmed around and sneezed. Ah well. She's still sort of adorable. Wouldn't you agree, grandma?

1 comment:

Samantha Meyer said...

Hilarious! That sneeze WAS pretty advanced for her age...